Találatok ‘Szombat, Time of Israel ’

Összesen 1,272 találat (1261 - 1272) : Szombat, Time of Israel .


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English

The May issue of Szombat begins with an essay by György Tatár, in which he explores the possibilities and perspectives of translating and interpreting the Bibié, and to what extent Christian interpretations can be brought closer to Jewish sources by an authentic interpretation.

The editors organized … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English

The April issue of Szombat is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust. Éva Szécsi’ s essay addresses the need fór remembrance and remindal in the face of oblivion and the fasification of history. A survey of the losses of the Hungarian Jewish community is published together … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English

The February issue of Szombat begins with Éva Szécsi’s anslysis of the unexpected rise of Vladimír Zhirinovsky’s Russian extreme right-wing party, the underlying reasons, the possible consequences and, most importantly, whether there is reason to fear that this phenomenon might signal a more generál … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English

The June issue of Szombat begins with a report on the general assembly of the Jewish Community on which a decision was reached that Chief Rabbi György Landeszman, whose recently made outrageous statements stirred quite a controversy in Hungarian political life, should be relieved of his post. The report … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, Egyéb, English

The May issue of Szombat begins with an essay by Gershom Scholem, “Israel and the Diaspora”, which is also intended as a tribute to Jom Ha-Atzmaut, that was celebrated at the end of April. With this essay we hope to draw the attention of the Jewish community to a problem that resurfaces time and … Tovább »
