Találatok ‘ Novák Attila’

Összesen 365 találat (221 - 240) : Novák Attila.


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


“Hungarian Jewish historiography has since long become extinct. We have talented historians, excellent books and arti­cles are published from time to time, but – owing to subjective and objective causes – we can hardly speak of directions or schools or of concepts”, is the claim made … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


“It is the hope of the Hungarian government that President Arafat’s historic ambitions will be fulfilled in the not too distant future” said Ferenc Gyurcsány, Hungary’s Prime Minister after Arafat’s death. “What kind of ambitions? More dead Jews in Israeli cafes and shopping centres? … Tovább »

A tűrés határa

Írta: Novák Attila - Rovat: Archívum

A tűrés határa

Egy maroknyi, magát Szálasi örökösének tartó nyilas cso­port teleplakátozta a Nagykörutat. Október 15-re tünte­tést szerveztek a Terror Há­za előtt. A Mazsihisz nagyhatalmú ügyvezető igazgató­ja pedig arról beszélt, hogy tízezreket fog kivinni az utcára, … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


The appearance of a small. Arrow-Cross group with no more than about 50 members, which planned to hold a demonstration on October 15 (the day the Hungarian Nazis. Hitler’s last allies, seized power in 1944), caused a storm in Hungarian public life. In Attila Novák’s view, however, the … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


“A few weeks ago, the International Court of Justice in Hague con­trasted the Israeli right to life with the Palestinian right to freedom of movement, ruling that the latter had precedence. This has several important consequences, the foremost being that owing to this deci­sion, the United … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


In his editorial János Gadó writes about a conference on anti-Semitism held in Berlin. “The majority of European politicians do not really want to hear the message conveyed by the Jewish partic­ipants in this conference on anti-Semitism, and that is: Today’s anti-Semitism is disguised … Tovább »
