Találatok ‘ Major László’

Összesen 73 találat (61 - 73) : Major László.


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


The Official Jewish Community in Hungary has been stressing the need for classifying the negation of the Holocaust and other anti-Semitic discourse inciting hatred, as criminal offense, László Seres believes this is unnecessary claiming that the neo-nazi threat is not significant in today’s … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


Our correspondent from Israel, László Bányai examines the dilemmas of Israeli soci­ety in an unconventional article. He reckons that the Arabs living in Israel are less and less loyal to their country while – claims the author – the political Left is more for a democratic Israel than a … Tovább »

November 1998 Issue

Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English


Our November issue covers Jewish book publishing in Hungary. János Gadó gives an overview of the several hundred books pub­lished during the past two decades, but more importantly after 1989. Besides the classics (from Maimonides through Herzl to Philip Roth), a lot of books by second rate … Tovább »


Írta: Archívum - Rovat: Archívum, English

The October issue of Szombat begins with a study by Gábor Ács, probing the sensitive issue of how the Hungarian Jewish community was barred from German compensation owing to the four decades of Communist dictatorship. Ács notes that a new agreement has been reached between the Conference of Jewish … Tovább »
